The Process of Buying a Home With a Real Estate Agent in Massapequa

Are you ready to buy a home with a real estate agent in Massapequa? If so, you are probably wondering how the process plays out.

From selecting a real estate, discovering your dream house, and then closing the deal, a lot goes into purchasing a home. Therefore, it’s certainly of importance that you are aware of what it takes to do so!

We understand just how important it is to purchase a home with confidence! That’s why, here at Kim Holland Homes, as Massapequa real estate agents, we have gathered some insight to assist you with knowing how to go about purchasing your own house with ease. So, if you are all set to learn more, be sure to continue reading:


  • See How Much You Can Afford. First off, you will want to determine how much you can afford when it comes to making monthly payments for your home that you are about to purchase with the guidance of a professional Real Estate Agent in Massapequa. Therefore, it’s best to create a budget! By doing so, you can then see how much money you can reasonably spend each month on a mortgage payment.


  • Cash or Decide if you are paying cash or getting a mortgage.  If you are paying cash be sure of tax ramifications of taking the money out of any account.

By getting prequalified for a mortgage, you will speak to a lender in detail, know how much you can actually spend on a home with taxes and Homeowners Insurance added in.  You can then provide them with your financial information, along with allowing them to review your credit, so that they can determine how much they can lend you.

  • Select a Real Estate Agent. Seeing as there are many real estate agents around, it’s certainly of importance that you take your time to select the best one. When searching for yours, ensure that they will take their time to scour the market for the perfect home for you, as well as guide you through the home-buying process with ease.
  • Shop for a Home. After selecting your real estate agent in Massapequa, you can then go about shopping for your dream home! You and your real estate agent will work together to list all of your wants and needs when it comes to the house you wish to purchase, and then you can venture out to discover it!  Your real estate agent will do all that they can to discover a home that meets all of your wants and needs.
  • Get to the Closing Table. You will also have to choose a Real Estate Attorney who will go over the contract once you get accepted on your dream home. In order to close the sale, a title company will need to run a search, an appraisal will be ordered and sometimes additionally a survey is recommended.  Once you get a commitment or with cash have a “Clear To Close” you will then sign more paperwork at closing. Once the check has been received by the seller, you will then be all set to move into your new home!

Buying a home should certainly be an easy process! These are just a few things you can expect to encounter as you go about searching for yours.

Are you ready to buy your own home with a real estate agent in Massapequa, New York? If so, please contact us here at Kim Holland Homes, as we would be pleased with the opportunity to be yours!